Friday, March 13, 2009


My goal was to not eat any desserts for the month of March, and then these showed up on my door step...

Darn those Girl Scouts and their charitable goodness!


Tauna said...

yeah that would probably kill me too. When I told the mom who was selling them for her little girl that I wasn't going to get any because I'm off chocolate until November, she told me I could just freeze them. Yeas, like that would work. Stay strong Erica!

Us said...

one time they came to our door at school and we spent about 15 minutes trying to scrounge up the change to get some and then they forgot to give us the thin mints we wanted. we went after them but they were long gone in their parents mini van. i don't think they did it on purpose but one can't help but wonder...

they get us all in the end somehow.

Jessica said...

Yeah... I've eaten three of them already today.

Renetta said...

Yummy!! Those are our favorites....
I think if you run them under hot water it gets rid of all the calories. I could be wrong....

Laney said...

Ooo, I'm feeling your pain! We really wanted to support our next door neighbor's kid so bought THREE boxes. Not good for the ole waistline...

dana said...


Stephanie said...

That's pretty funny because we had friends over last night and ate almost two whole boxes between the four of us and Isaiah...I won't disclose how many I ate alone:(

I could never go a whole month without desserts...especially if I was pregnant. You are very committed!

Jeff and Sarah said...

That's funny.
I went to the store and bought the same cookies for Sarah. About an hour later she checked your blog and saw your picture of the same cookies. And this was on Friday, the same day you posted it.