Friday, March 13, 2009


I just wanted to inform the world that Curly now has (almost) all of her teeth. Yes, I know it took 2 1/2 years, but that's not the point, the point is she has them.


dana said...

And cute finger nails.

Novena said...

Dazzling teeth, fabulous fingers, now all we need is...well, I can't think of anything she's lacking! She has great hair, great personality, GREAT parents! The world is her oyster!s

Kristi David said...

Hooray for teeth!

The Higginbothams said...

Wohoo! You're right, it did take forever, but she managed. And it really doesn't matter now that her gaps are all filled in. Congrats to June's beautiful smile.

Renetta said...

I say with all those teeth...and those sparkly nails...let June take care of those cookies.........

Laney said...

Yay! Congrats!