Sadly these super cute jeans couldn't withstand a recent growth spurt. I hated the idea of retiring them after only a few months so I consulted my amazingly creative friend
Dana who suggested I make them into little

Please excuse the dirty pant leg, I couldn't wait an entire hour to wash them, I wanted to start the refashion ASAP.

I really like the way they turned out... and I really, really like that I don't have to buy another pair of shorts for the warmer months!

Thanks Dana for being so inspiring in the creative department!!
Okay, that's totally how I pictured them when we were talking about it! Fun that we were on the same wavelength. Seriously, REALLY cute. Maybe I'll have to try this too! :)
and fun that we both blogged about each other on the same day.
those are darling! i'd pay big money for them. too bad sarah's growth spurts are always around the middle...makes refashioning difficult.
Well done.
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