Happy 2nd birthday to our sweet and funny little boy! It's been said before and I'll say it again, I cant believe how quickly the time goes when little ones are growing up; 2 years have flown by with lightening speed. I'm so happy I get to see this little boy when he wakes up from bed time and nap time, kiss him all day (even when he's filthy) and put him to bed at night. He brings so much joy to our little family.

Some facts to remember this amazing and short period of time in his life...
This little boy is F-U-N to be around! He is the ultimate boy: he loves to play in anything that will get him dirty, he is a magnetic to rocks, LOVES dogs (even ones that are 2x his size), he loves: trains, trucks/cars, balls and sticks... really anything that a boy should love. He will also throw any of the said items above when he determines he has no more use for them. A few weeks ago I heard a loud banging coming from outside and ran out to see him hitting the car with a shovel (we are working on this!!). Every time you catch him doing one of these semi-destructive activities, he always has the biggest, sweetest smile on his face. Too bad he still gets in trouble.
But even considering the trouble he gets in occasionally he is by far the sweetest and loving little guy. We all get multiple kisses and hugs from him all day long. He is quick to give sister a love when he thinks she is hurt or sad. He is soft and gentle with any baby, always wanting to kiss their toes or pat their head. He wakes up earlier than sister and will always snuggle for a long time in bed with dad and I until he decides it's time to play under the covers.
All in all, this kid makes us happier than we ever thought possible and we can't imagine what our lives would be without him.
Happy birthday little Bubbie!!